Dear Parishioners and Friends of Our Lady of Lourdes,
We all pass the signs of welcome for churches but I can guarantee you that you are indeed WELCOME here. Our Lady of Lourdes is a faith community, striving to be the hands and feet of Christ in our neighborhoods, our homes, our workplaces, and beyond. This is a simple and straightforward statement of purpose but making this a reality is not always easy. We, the parishioners of Our Lady of Lourdes Faith Community, will strive to provide Christian hospitality: valuing every person; creating a peaceful and safe environment; and encouraging each one of us to share our gifts with all.
How do we work at this great ideal?
- We gather in the love of God, as revealed by Jesus, our Christ, through the energy of the Holy Spirit. Our liturgies, prayer opportunities and celebration of the sacraments help us unite our individual spirits into a joy filled, common expression of faith.
- We encourage one another to grow through the many opportunities for education, formation, social enrichment and fun.
- We also look beyond ourselves to the needs in our community, nation and world and then challenge one another to try to respond with our time, gifts and resources.
May this website be an aid in your journey with us. You are always welcome here. God bless you and guide you in your faith journey!
Deb Steppe
Parish Director

Parish Staff
A listing of staff members and contact information.

Links to all of the sacraments available at OLOL(baptism, first Eucharist/Communion, reconciliation, confirmation, marriage, and anointing of the sick) and their pertinent information. A link to our Funeral Planning page can also be found here.

Giving, volunteering, and ministering. Stewardship is so much more than money. Learn how you can support OLOL through your gifts of time, talent, and treasure.

Become a Member
Want to join our community? This is the place to start!

Download Our App
Learn about our parish app and then download it!

Visiting: Where to Go
An outline of our building and where to park.

Parish History
Learn about the early days of Our Lady of Lourdes in Milwaukee, WI.

Forms and Files
All the forms you need from reserving rooms to submitting content for communication within the parish.
Councils and Committees
Pastoral Council
Finance Council
Administrative Committees
A mission statement defines the core purpose of the organization – why it exists. Effective missions are inspiring, long-term in nature, and easily understood and communicated. The mission statement for Our Lady of Lourdes is short, easy to remember and succinctly defines who we are…
Our Lady of Lourdes
is a pilgrim church
coming to know
the Kingdom of God
by being Christ to the world.
A vision statement is a broad, belief-based image of the future, what we are aiming to achieve…what drives us. With that, the vision statement created for Our Lady of Lourdes is:
Our Lady of Lourdes is a way station where all are welcome.
By freely sharing our gifts, we build community.
Energizing prayer and worship nourish us on our journey of transformation.
We are called also to evangelize and witness to the world,
committing our creativity to the service of justice and compassion.