Advent 2024 Virtual Retreat

Advent I

December 1

December 4

December 6

Advent II

December 8

December 11

December 13

Advent III

December 15

December 18

December 20

Advent IV

December 22


December 25

O Antiphons

What are the O Antiphons?

The final days of Advent, December 17-23, are marked by praying the O Antiphons.
What are they? The USCCB tells us this:

The Roman Church has been singing the “O” Antiphons since at least the eighth century. They are the antiphons that accompany the Magnificat canticle of Evening Prayer from December 17-23. They are a magnificent theology that uses ancient biblical imagery drawn from the messianic hopes of the Old Testament to proclaim the coming Christ as the fulfillment not only of Old Testament hopes, but present ones as well. Their repeated use of the imperative “Come!” embodies the longing of all for the Divine Messiah.
(accessed at

Simple in form, these images of the Promised Messiah can linger in our hearts and minds as we travel through the last days leading us into Christmas. We know these words well, for we have sung them or heard them most of our lives in the great Advent song, “O Come, O Come Emmanuel.” Learn more here.

Advent Videos

Videos on what Advent is all about and why it is so important to our preparations for Christmas.

Advent in 2 Minutes
Let it go - Advent Meditation

An opportunity for quiet reflection to music.

You Don't Know Jack...about Advent
Christ is Coming
Veni Veni Emmanuel
A Christmas Story: The Man And The Birds

As told by Paul Harvey – a wonderful way to understand the need for the Incarnation.

Online Resources

Here are links to other great websites that can enrich your Advent journey that go beyond just reading about it.

OLOL Advent Kindness Calendar
Our Advent Kindness calendar with fun, sweet, caring suggestions to spread some cheer this Advent.

Advent Conspiracy
“Advent Conspiracy was founded on the radical idea that we can celebrate Christmas humbly, beautifully, and generously. Advent is the story of a wondrous moment when God entered our world to make things right. It is the greatest story ever told and it changes everything—including the way we celebrate Christmas.”

Busted Halo’s Advent Surprise Calendar
A digital twist on the traditional Advent calendar.

Loyola Press (Ignatian Spirituality)
Ignatian contemplation and reflective prayer encourage us in the season of Advent. Here you will find reflections on art inspired by the Advent Sunday scriptures, weekly video reflections, an online Advent calendar, podcasts, and other spiritual resources for your Advent journey.

USCCB Advent Calendar