
Sunday Scripture Reflection

6:30 pm–8:00 pm
In person or via Zoom

Fr. Chuck Schramm, Brian Jens and Peter Morello of St. Matthias, continue to invite us to join their weekly discussion group on the Sunday Scriptures. Call Brian Jens at (414) 982-2406 for more information or visit

Covenant Love

Tuesday, April 1
7:00 pm–8:00 pm
OLOL–Room 10

Facilitated by: Dr. Harry Fleddermann

The Bible reflects constantly on our relationship with God, and the most profound of these reflections center on God’s love for us. This session will explore a central term “covenant love” that the Bible returns to repeatedly to describe God’s love for us and the response God seeks from us. Reflecting on “covenant love” will allow us to probe what we can call the deep structure of love.

Registration is required and can be done on the Discipleship Institute web page or through the Parish Office.

Bible Basics

Thursdays: May 29 and June 5
7:00 pm–8:30 pm
Room 10
Facilitated by: Jim Gill*

Do you feel Bible Illiterate? Having trouble telling Jonah from James? This session will get you on the right track. Subjects covered will include origins and arrangement of the Bible, how to use footnotes, commentaries and other Bible study tools, and a look at Catholic approaches to interpreting the Bible and applying it to everyday life. Please bring a Bible with you to the sessions.

Registration is required and can be done on the Discipleship Institute web page or through the Parish Office.


  • OLOL Parish Member
  • B. A., Biology, 1979–St. Meinrad College
  • M.A., Religious Studies/Spirituality, 1982–Mundelein College of Loyola University Chicago
  • Certificate in Spiritual Guidance–2004–Siena Center, Racine WI
  • 35 years’ experience in Adult and Child Catechetics, and retreat ministry.
  • Free-lance presenter for parishes, conventions, Alverno Telesis, and Cardinal Stritch University-St. Clare Center.

Prayer and Spirituality

Women’s Spirituality Group

The Women’s Spirituality group will meet monthly on the second Wednesday of each month (unless otherwise noted) from 6:30 pm–8:00 pm in Room 7. Upcoming meeting dates are noted below:

  • February 12
  • March 12
  • April 9
  • May 14

The group will gather to reflect on the Sunday readings and bible study with other women from the parish. Contact the Parish Office to join or for more information.

Women’s Retreat

Saturday, March 22
9:00 am–3:45 pm
OLOL Parish Hall

Join us for a day to pray and explore your unique life with God. We will laugh, pray, create, and play with a generous and caring group of women. All women of the parish, and beyond our parish, are welcome to participate. The day will conclude with the 4:00 pm liturgy. Registration details will be coming, or you can contact the Parish Office for more details.

Online Rosary–The Glorious Mysteries

Tuesday–May 20

The online presentation of Glorious Mysteries will begin at 7:00 pm and registration is required to receive the Zoom link. Join with other members of our faith community as they gather to pray the rosary in a way never offered before–and from the comfort of your own home. Register on the Discipleship Institute web page at or call the Parish Office.

Live Stream/Recorded Weekend Liturgy and Wednesday Table Reflections

All our Saturday 4:00 pm Masses are live streamed and recorded for later viewing during the weekend. Each Wednesday we also offer a recorded table reflection on the day’s scriptures.

Leadership-Reach Out

Black History Celebration–An Evening of Gospel Music

Friday, February 28
6:30 pm
Our Lady of Lourdes Church

The Social Justice Committee is happy to welcome back the All-Saints Gospel Choir for an evening of prayer, history, and music! All are welcome and admission is free. We do ask for a suggested donation of hygiene items for distribution through All-Saints Church. Cash donations are also welcome.

Fellowship and refreshments will follow the program in the OLOL Parish Hall.

We strongly encourage you to visit the revised Social Justice web page. There are links to Catholic Social Justice teaching videos and much, much more!

Activating the Body of Christ

Tuesdays–April 29, May 6 and 13
6:30 pm–8:30 pm
Facilitated by: Discipleship Team and Social Justice Committee

“The Season of Non-Violence” engaged 150 people in a prayerful experience of working together to deter violence. The GIFT program highlighted the need to work together as the Body of Christ. “Activating The Body of Christ” invites us to enhance that experience by looking at “how” we can make a difference. Through panel and individual presentations, we will discuss how to respond to social justice issues, respectful dissenting, and what am I willing to do. Conversation and questions are a must!

Registration is necessary and can be done on the Discipleship Institute web page or call the Parish Office.

Earth Day Celebration

Saturday, April 26
9:00 am–12:00 pm
Jackson Park

This event is being held in conjunction with the GIFT program. Join us for a Saturday morning to clean up the Jackson Park area. This is part of the Milwaukee Riverkeeper Spring Clean-Up Project. Please watch the bulletin for further reminders and updates.

We strongly encourage you to visit the revised Social Justice web page. There are links to Catholic Social Justice teaching videos and much, much more!

Building Bridges

No event planned for winter/spring 2025. Please join us for the viewings and discussions of “The Chosen.”


The Little Blue Book for Lent

The Little Black Book for Lent will be available beginning the weekend of February 22/23. This book will be your Lent companion, and you can take it with you wherever you go. The left-hand page is like a buffet table with a variety of thoughts about the Lenten season. The right-hand page is where we will reflect on the scriptures Commit to a daily prayer time this Lent season and allow this Little Book to be your guide. God’s living Word can change your day…and your life!

Lenten Hope: An Evening Prayer Service

Thursdays–March 6, 13, 20, 27 and April 3
6:30 pm–7:00 pm
In the Church Space
Facilitated by: Deacon Bill Goulding

This is a wonderful opportunity for Lenten communal prayer. The weekly services will be music-centered, contemplative, uplifting and include a brief scriptural reflection centering on the theme of hope. The church space will be open half an hour before the service and half an hour after for private prayer. Please join us for one or all five of the evening prayer services! These will be live streamed for those unable to attend.

Lent 2025 Virtual Retreat

Begins Ash Wednesday, March 5
Online–Parish Website
Facilitated by: Parish Director, Deb Steppe

Stations of the Cross–A Synodal Journey

Friday, March 7–online–Zoom
Thursday, April 10–Church
6:30 pm

There will be two opportunities to pray the Stations of the Cross this Lenten season. The first opportunity is online–via Zoom–on Friday, March 7, from the comfort of your own home. The theme will be “Being a Synodal Church.” The online presentation will begin at 6:30pm and registration is required to receive the Zoom link. Register on the Discipleship Institute web page or call the Parish Office.

The second opportunity to walk along these same stations will be held live in the church space on Thursday, April 10, at 6:30 pm. You can attend one or both! This is an excellent opportunity to begin and close the Lenten season reflecting on Christ’s love for us—and how we must reflect the same love as His disciples.

Online Rosary–The Sorrowful Mysteries

Tuesday–April 8
7:00 pm

The online presentation will begin at 7:00 pm and registration is required to receive the Zoom link. Join with other members of our faith community as they gather to pray the rosary in a way never offered before—and from the comfort of your own home. Register on the Discipleship Institute web page or call the Parish Office.

Theology/Faith Formation


Prayer, Hope & Justice

All GIFT sessions are 9:05 am–10:20 am unless otherwise noted.

  • Session 8: February 16–Prison Ministry & Doing Time Together–Deacon Tom Hunt
  • Session 9: March 16–A Study in Hope–Maggie Russell
  • Session 10: April 6–Conversations in the Spirit: Synodality–Steve Szymanski
  • Session 11: April 26–Spring Service Event–Milwaukee Riverkeeper Spring Clean Up*
  • Session 12: May 4–Prayerpalooza: An OLOL Community Event**

*This event is held on a Saturday from 9:00 am–12:00 pm at Jackson Park
**This event is held from 9:00 am–12:00 pm in the Parish Hall

Click here for more information.

Intergenerational Youth Ministry

Intergenerational Youth Ministry (Youth of All Ages!)

Friday, March 28
6:15 pm–8:15 pm OLOL Parish Hall
$5.00 per household

Join Professor Bartholomew Wilson and his trusty friend, Oscar, on the adventure of a lifetime! This escape room will transport you to the mysteries of the Aegean Sea. Here you will uncover ancient secrets and overcome daring challenges to uncover a legendary treasure. Contact the Parish Office to register.

Art Guild

The focus of the Art Guild is to assist members in their spiritual journey using different art mediums. The Art Guild invites the Our Lady of Lourdes community to participate in the Art Gallery display and the Community Mosaic in the spring. These events are displayed in the parish hallway.

The Art Guild sponsors an Open Studio on the second Tuesday of each month. This gathering is open to anyone to work on their individual projects as well as an opportunity to visit with other members. This year in particular the Guild has planned some activities to liven up this gathering. The monthly business meeting is held on the 4th Tuesday of each month from August to May. This meeting is followed by a class featuring a different art medium. We will have classes in batik, alcohol inks and eggs, card making, self-portraits and paints. At least one field trip to a local museum is planned. For more information, watch the bulletin or contact the Parish Office.

Community Garden

Our Common Home Community Garden was launched in 2018 to become a neighborhood hub that emphasizes the community in community gardening.

This garden was not formed to supplement a community deficiency, but rather seeks to be a place for people to come together and experience the therapeutic benefits of gardening, learning, teaching, supporting, and enjoying each other.

Click to see what the Our Common Home Community Garden has going on!


2nd Wednesdays of the month (September through June)
7:00 pm–8:30 pm

  • February 12
  • March 12
  • April 9
  • May 14
  • June 11

Please contact the Parish Office for more information or to receive the Zoom link.

This ministry works to help the LGBTQIA+ community find their rightful place within the Catholic Christian community. The group is open to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer persons, their families, friends, and those who wish to stand in solidarity with them in Christ. Visit our page on the parish website for more information.

All virtual resources are available on the Discipleship Institute Resources Page.

Register for any program today!

Fill out my online form.