The Chosen

Join us for Season 4 of the blockbuster series about the life and ministry of Jesus.

Join us as we view Season Four of the blockbuster series about the life and ministry of Jesus.

One episode will be viewed each Thursday beginning August 15 at 6:30 pm in the Parish Hall. There are 8 episodes in total. The final viewing will be on October 3. This is a free event. No cost. No reservations required. All ages welcome!

There will be opportunity for discussion after every “live” episode.  

Not able to join us in person, but you still want to take part in this event?? Maybe you already viewed the series??

We are offering a Zoom Discussion Only session each week. This will be held the Wednesday evening after the live community viewing. The first session will be held Wednesday, August 21, at 6:30 pm and will discuss Episode 1 of Season 4. This will continue each consecutive Wednesday evening until the season is completed. You must register for the Zoom Discussion Only sessions. Register using the form on this page or through the Parish Office.

You can obtain “The Chosen” free on the following streaming platforms:

  • Netflix
  • Amazon Prime Video
  • CW Network
  • Crackle
  • Peacock
  • Peacock Premium
  • VUDU Free
  • Tubi TV
  • Redbox
  • The Roku Channel
  • Pure Flix
  • The Chosen App – available free on any Smart TV and mobile device

Event Schedule

Summer programming will be announced in our bulletin. Below is a listing of our programing from this past winter and spring. Please check back in August when the next round of programing will be announced.

Winter/Spring 2024 Schedule and Discipleship Institute Team Contact Information


Sunday Scripture Reflection

6:30 pm–8:00 pm
In person or via Zoom

Fr. Chuck Schramm and Brian Jens of St. Matthias, continue to invite us to join their discussion group on the Sunday Scriptures. Call Brian Jens at (414) 321-0893 for information.

Evolutionary Theology Part 2 – Sexual Morality & the Catholic Church

Monday, February 12
6:30 pm–8:00 pm
St. Matthias Parish
Facilitated by: Fr. Chuck Schramm

Join us as we bring together faith and science, recognizing they both have truths that can give us a fresh perspective on our understanding/experience of the mysterious presence we call God. For more information or to register, contact Brian Jens at (414) 982-2406 or by email at

Prayer and Spirituality

Stations of the Cross – Being a Synodal Church

Friday, February 16, 6:30 pm, Zoom
Thursday, March 21, 6:30 pm, Church

We will offer two opportunities to pray the Stations of the Cross this Lenten season. The first opportunity is online, via Zoom, on Friday, February 16, from the comfort of your own quiet space. The theme will be “Being a Synodal Church” as we walk along with Christ to the cross and His victory over death. The online presentation will begin at 6:30 pm and registration is required to receive the Zoom link. Register using the form on this page or through the Parish Office.

The second opportunity to walk along these same stations will be held live in the church space on Thursday, March 21, at 6:30 pm. You can attend one or both. This is an excellent opportunity to begin and close out the Lenten season reflecting on Christ’s love for us—and how we must reflect that same love as His disciples.

Two Parables of Love

Tuesday, March 12
7:00 pm–8:00 pm
Room 10
Presenter: Dr. Harry Fleddermann

Join us for an hour this Lent as we reflect on Two Parables of Love—The Good Samaritan and The Lost Sheep. We will break open these parables and learn that Jesus is calling us to a special kind of love when we choose to follow Him. This is an excellent opportunity to grow as a disciple and better ourselves as human beings in this sacred season of Lent. Space is limited so please register using the form on this page or through the Parish Office.

Lenten Lunch Bag Retreat

February 18–March 18
Allow for about one hour each week.
Introduction to the Retreat on Zoom – Monday, February 19, 6:30 pm
Final Discussion on Zoom – Monday, March 18, 6:30 pm
Facilitated by: Anita Hallman-Kowalski

Pack up your lunch bag and go on a Lenten retreat—in the comfort of your own home! All you need is openness, a questioning mind, a cheerful spirit, a bit of reflection, and a willingness to change. We will look at the Lenten Sunday scriptures through the Ignatian Examen to see where we are invited or challenged to change. Register by February 12 and you will receive a packet of material in your email to guide you. There will be an introduction to the retreat offered via Zoom on February 19. Please register using the form on this page or through the Parish Office.

Women’s Spirituality Group

The Women’s Spirituality group will meet monthly on the third Wednesday or third Thursday of each month (alternating days each month) from 6:30 pm–8:00 pm. Upcoming meeting dates are noted below:

  • January 17
  • February 15
  • March 20
  • April 18
  • May 15

The group will gather to reflect on the Sunday readings and bible study with other women from the parish. Watch for upcoming details on our Women’s Spirituality Retreat to be held on-site at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish on April 13. Call the Parish Office for contact information.

Leadership-Reach Out

All Saints Gospel Choir Music Program

Friday, February 9
7:00 pm–8:00 pm
Our Lady of Lourdes Parish

Join us as we celebrate Black History Month with an hour of beautiful music presented by the Gospel Choir of All Saints Catholic Church. There will be fellowship in the church hall following the program. Admission is free, but attendees are encouraged to bring a hygiene item to be distributed to local schools and non-profit agencies through Courage MKE. This is a continuing collaboration to bring together our two parishes to address social justice issues that impact our common community. Visit the Social Justice page to obtain more details.

Recycling Program

The Social Justice Team continues to collect recyclable items via the hallway collection bins. Please be sure to bring your empty medicine bottles, toothpaste tubes and toothbrushes, pens, markers, and glue sticks. This is a simple way to show respect for all of God’s creation.

April - Earth Day Events

In conjunction with the celebration of Earth Day, parishioners and parish families will be invited to visit the Catholic Ecology Center in Neosho, WI. The date for this visit will be forthcoming. Watch the Social Justice page to obtain more details when they become available.

Building Bridges

No event planned for winter/spring 2024. Please join us for the viewings and discussions of “The Chosen.”


Book Discussion – The Meal That Reconnects: Eucharistic Eating and the Global Food Crisis

Mondays, April 8, 15, and 22
7:00 pm–8:30 pm
Room 10 and via Zoom
Discussion Facilitator: Tanya Gross

In The Meal That Reconnects, Dr. Mary McGann, RSCJ, invites readers to a more profound appreciation of the sacredness of eating and the destructiveness of the industrial food system that is supplying food to tables globally. She presents the food crisis as a spiritual crisis—a call to rediscover the theological, ecological, and spiritual significance of eating and to probe its challenge to Christian eucharistic practice. McGann invites communities to reclaim the foundational meal character of eucharistic celebration while offering pertinent strategies for this renewal. Register using the form on this page or through the Parish Office. Be sure to give us your email to receive the Zoom link.

Theology/Faith Formation


The Body of Christ: We Are Eucharist

All GIFT sessions are 9:05 am–10:20 am unless otherwise noted.

  • Session 7: January 14 – The Synod on Synodality
  • Session 8: February 4 – The Body of Christ: We Are Synodal
  • Session 9: March 2 – Service Day: Parish Spring Cleaning
  • Session 10: March 17 – Celebrating God’s Presence Among Us
  • Session 11: April 7 – TBA
  • Session 12: April 28 – Sending Forth

Click here for more information.

Live Stream/Recorded Weekend Liturgy and Wednesday Table Reflections

All our Saturday 5:00 pm Masses are live streamed and recorded for later viewing during the weekend. Each Wednesday we also offer a recorded table reflection on the day’s scriptures.

Art Guild

The focus of the Art Guild is to assist members in their spiritual journey through art mediums. The Art Guild sponsors the Community Mosaic as well as the Art Gallery display in the parish hallway.

The Art Guild has its monthly business meeting on the 4th Tuesday of each month from August through May. Open Studio is the 2nd Tuesday of each month and is open to anyone to work on individual projects. Call the Parish Office or watch the bulletin for more information on the Art Guild.

Community Garden

Our Common Home Community Garden was launched in 2018 to become a neighborhood hub that emphasizes the community in community gardening.

This garden was not formed to supplement a community deficiency, but rather seeks to be a place for people to come together and experience the therapeutic benefits of gardening, learning, teaching, supporting, and enjoying each other.

Click to see what the Our Common Home Community Garden has going on!


2nd Wednesdays of the month (September through June)
7:00 pm–8:30 pm

  • January 10
  • February 14
  • March 6* (earlier date due to Zoom scheduling conflict)
  • April 10
  • May 8
  • June 12

Contact Jim Wielgosz, for the link.

This ministry works to help the LGBTQ+ community find their rightful place within the Catholic community. Group open to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer persons, their families, friends, and those who wish to stand in solidarity with them in Christ.

Learn more.

All virtual resources are available on the Discipleship Institute Resources Page.

Register for any program today!