Who is Mary?

The Discipleship Institute of Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church in Milwaukee offers this recording of “Who is May? An Interfaith Discussion” which was held on April 30, 2024. This discussion showcased representatives from the Muslim and Catholic faith coming together to have a discussion on Mary and her role in each faith tradition. This was an opportunity to learn more about this incredible woman and what the two faith traditions share.

Building Bridges – What Can One Person Do?

The Discipleship Institute of Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church in Milwaukee offers this recording of a virtual event titled Building Bridges—What Can One Person Do? which was held on March 6, 2023. This discussion provides a panel of folks concerned with and/or working with the homeless. Our focus here is to be more informed about this issue, especially in our own city, and to see what more we might be able to do.

Guided Meditations

Sharing the Journey

Peace and God's Presence

A Walk with Jesus

Building Bridges – Dialogue to Make a Difference

The Discipleship Institute of Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church in Milwaukee offers this recording of a virtual event titled Building Bridges—Dialogue to Make a Difference which was held on January 25, 2021. Nancie Chmielewski, Parish Director of Our Lady of Lourdes, moderates a group of panelists on the topic of racism. Why is there such mistrust between people of color and white people in this country? What can I, as a disciple of Christ, do to extinguish racial injustice? It is part of our baptismal responsibility to live and learn the vision of Christ—it is our responsibility to treat all human beings with dignity and respect. This discussion starts us all on that journey.

Community Reflection - Recognizing Racism and Prejudice

Disciples of Christ must oppose every form of racism. We must confront racism because it is evil and is an impediment to spreading the Gospel message. We must begin by taking an honest look into our own hearts about our own subtle and not-so-subtle prejudices. We must recognize our failures. We need to apologize and change ourselves before we can speak out to let others know the changes that need to be made. We must be Christ-like!

As a community we must be comfortable having uncomfortable conversations. We cannot shy away from topics such as race. The attached video gives our community the chance to come together (virtually) to acknowledge the prejudices and racism within us and ask for healing in order to become the whole body of Christ.

Bibliography on Racism

The Discipleship Institute has received a very extensive bibliography of books, podcasts, videos, etc. available for your on-going study of the issue of racism.

Go to bibliography