
Kimberly Galaska

Visitation: Monday, March 24, 10:00 am, OLOL
Monday, March 24, 11:00 am, OLOL

Don Brockman

Visitation: Friday, April 4, 9:00 am, OLOL
Friday, April 4, 11:00 am, OLOL

No funerals currently scheduled.


Funeral Planning

The celebration of the Christian funeral brings hope and consolation to the living. While proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ and witnessing to Christian hope in the resurrection, the funeral rites also recall to all who take part in them God’s mercy and judgment and meet the human need to turn always to God times of crisis.

-Order of Christian Funerals

Who Should You Contact?

To schedule a funeral and a time to meet with our parish director, assisting priest, or deacon, please call the Parish Office, (414) 545-4316, Monday-Thursday, 8:30 am-4:00 pm. If you call outside of this time frame, press extension 113 and follow the instructions given. If you have contacted or will be contacting a funeral home, please do not plan a date until you schedule one here. As you begin to plan the celebration of your loved one’s life, we hope you will find the information below to be helpful. If you have further questions or need clarification, please call the Parish Office.

Planning the Funeral - What to Think About

Planning the Funeral – What to Think About

  • Who will help place the white cloth on the casket (if there is one) and remove it afterwards? (It can be more than one person.)
  • An Old Testament Reading, and who will read it?
  • New Testament Reading, and who will read it?
  • A Gospel Reading (read by the presider)
  • Prayers of the Faithful – if possible, write your own. Who will read them?
  • If it is a Mass, who will bring forward the bread and wine?
  • Who will assist with Communion?
  • Do you want anyone from the family to share a brief memory (3-4 minutes)? If yes, who?
  • What are your favorite memories/stories (discuss these with the presider)?
  • Any special music requests?
  • Do you want to show a slideshow of pictures? (DVD or flash drive is acceptable.) Many funeral homes will compile a DVD for you, make sure you ask if this service is available.
  • Other special requests?


Please provide a photo of your loved one. We will use this during the funeral and at the next All Soul’s Day service when we pray for and remember those in our parish who have died. Please call the Parish Office for submission information.

We can project a digital display of photos at the visitation. Several funeral homes will create this for you. If you make your own slide show (on DVD or flash drive), please bring it a day or two prior to the visitation so that we can make sure it is compatible with our system. No need to do this if the funeral home creates the presentation.

Easels are available for traditional picture boards, and we have tables for mementos as well.



If you are working with a funeral home, the fee you pay to them will include the fees for Our Lady of Lourdes. They are the following:

  • Presider-$125
  • Vigil Service-$50
  • Musician-$150
  • Cantor-$50
  • Facility for parishioner-$0
  • Facility for parishioner-$150
  • Reception Hall-$75
Scripture Readings

Scripture Readings

While meeting with you and hearing the stories of your loved one, the presider of the funeral will suggest Scripture readings that would be appropriate. If you have readings in mind that you would like to use for the funeral, please let us know.



The eulogy takes place shortly before the funeral begins and is an opportunity to share praise for the one who has died. The tone is positive, and the focus is on the faith of the person who has died. While storytelling is vitally important at the time of a death, the visitation and gatherings after the funeral are the best spots to share stories. As eulogizing can be an emotional experience, we recommend that the eulogy be written out beforehand. Please keep the eulogy to three or four minutes.



If you have hymns that you would like sung at the funeral, please let us know. Here are some hymn suggestions:

  • City of God
  • I Will Always Be With You
  • I am the Bread of Life
  • Hail Mary, Gentle Woman
  • Be Not Afraid
  • How Great Thou Art
  • On Eagles Wings
  • Here I Am
  • Be Still
  • Eye Has Not Seen
  • Taste and See
  • Amazing Grace, My Chains are Gone
Live Streaming

Live Streaming

We have the ability to live stream the funeral. Viewers can go to to view the service. There will be an icon to click for this funeral with the name of the deceased.

Parish Hall Reception

Parish Hall Reception

If you wish to have a reception in the Parish Hall, we will provide coffee, water, and hosts to wipe down the tables afterward.

You are responsible for finding a caterer, serving the food and packing up the leftovers. Note: because we do not have a liquor license, we cannot have alcohol served on the premises.


Many people have questions about the Catholic Church’s beliefs and traditions concerning funerals. Below are a couple of links to help answer these questions.

Catholic Funeral FAQs provided by the Archdiocese of Milwaukee

Bereavement and Funerals provided by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops