Welcome to our Lent Prayer page!

Here you will find a number resources to aid you in your Lenten journey, particularly the virtual retreat. Every day will have a new post for you to reflect on or a challenge for you to take action on. We hope you visit regularly. There are also videos to help anyone who might want to learn more about where our Lent traditions come from, what they mean, and why they are important to our spiritual growth. The Online Resources tab has a number of links to great websites that also provide some materials for your 40 day journey. Enjoy and Happy Lent!

Lenten Hope: An Evening Prayer Service

These services are music-centered and include a brief reflection on scripture, focusing on a theme of hope.
Each service will take place each of the five Thursdays before Holy Thursday.
The evening is contemplative, uplifting, and brief.

Click here to view the prayer services.

Lent 2025 Retreat

Ash Wednesday

Daily Readings

March 6

Daily Readings

March 7

Daily Readings

March 8

Daily Readings

1st Week of Lent

March 12

Daily Readings

March 13

Daily Readings

March 14

Daily Readings

March 15

Daily Readings

2nd Week of Lent

March 16

Daily Readings

March 17

Daily Readings

March 18

Daily Readings

March 19

March 20

March 21

March 22

3rd Week of Lent

March 23

March 24

March 25

March 26

March 27

March 28

March 29

4th Week of Lent

March 30

March 31

April 1

April 2

April 3

April 4

April 5

5th Week of Lent

April 6

April 7

April 8

April 9

April 10

April 11

April 12

Holy Week

Palm Sunday

April 14

April 15

April 16

Holy Thursday

Good Friday

Holy Saturday

Easter Sunday


NEW - Holy Week in 3 Minutes
Lent in 3 Minutes
You Don’t Know Jack… about Lent

What is Lent? What are the three practices the Church suggests we do during Lent based on the teachings of Jesus? Why do Catholics eat fish on Fridays and why is it called “Good” Friday, anyway?

So What are the Ashes All About?

When you have viewed the video, try to answer these questions:

  • What is Ash Wednesday?
  • Why do people have ashes placed on their forehead?
  • Where do ashes used on Ash Wednesday come from?
Go Into the Desert this Lent

During this season of Lent, you are invited into the desert: a quiet place, with less of us and more of God.

What is Lent? - Archbishop José Gomez

Archbishop of Los Angeles, José Gomez reflects on the importance of Solidarity during Lent.

What is Lent? - Fr. James Martin, SJ

Father James Martin, SJ, Editor at Large of America Magazine, shows how important prayer is during Lent by connecting us to God.

What is Lent? - Cardinal Timothy Dolan

Former CRS Board Chair and Archbishop of New York, Cardinal Timothy Dolan, frames the season of Lent by reflecting on our journey back to God.

What is Lent? - Kerry Weber

Kerry Weber, Managing Editor at America Magazine and former CRS Egan Journalism Fellow, describes her experience with Mercy during the season of Lent.

What is Lent? - Christopher West

Catholic author, Christopher West discusses the meaning and importance of fasting during Lent.

What is Lent? - Dr. Carolyn Woo

Dr. Carolyn Woo, President & CEO of Catholic Relief Services, describes Lent as a season of practice.