The parish has many ways of reaching out to share our faith and love of God. Included here are the main ministries offered at Our Lady of Lourdes:

Faith Formation
Information regarding our intergenerational formation program – Generations in Faith Together (GIFT).

Discipleship Institute
Various ministries to invite everyone to be credible witnesses to the Gospel. Information on the ART Guild and Community Garden can be found here as well.

Looking to become a Catholic in full communion with the Church? Here is where you start!

Child Ministry
Information regarding baptism, first reconciliation, and first Communion.

Youth Ministry
Information on ministry programs for grades 6-11 including preparation for the sacrament of confirmation.

Young Adult Ministry
Information regarding programs geared for adults 20+ amd 30+ throughout the archdiocese.

Health & Wellness
Information on ministries, support groups, and workshops dealing with health, illness, and grief.

Information on how to plan your wedding at Our Lady of Lourdes.

Upcoming funerals and information on how to set up a funeral through Our Lady of Lourdes.

Anointing of the Sick
Information regarding hospital visits and the sacrament of anointing of the sick.
If you are interested in becoming involved with our liturgies, you can find this information on our Liturgical Ministries or Music Ministries pages.
We are always open to new ways to teach and dialogue on the truths of our faith.