What is a Prayer Shawl?
A prayer shawl is a lap blanket or shawl (triangular or rectangular) that is made in a spirit of prayer for someone in need of healing prayers.
The shawl can be knit, crocheted, sewn, or quilted.
Who should receive one?
Anyone who is ill, grieving, preparing for surgery or suffering in any manner can be given this prayer-filled comfort.
How do I create a prayer shawl?
Prayer shawl patterns can be found in the display near the grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes at our parish church front entrance. You can also refer to the links on this page.
How can I obtain a shawl?
If you are in need of a shawl or wish to share one, please stop at the grotto and simply select and take one!
Where can I find patterns and prayers?
Please follow the links under “How To Videos” to find patterns and prayers.
We also have a basket containing yarn to create a shawl. The basket is located at the grotto display—please feel free to utilize this resource. If you have extra yarn, please share it with us! You may just leave it in the same basket.
I have created a shawl—what happens next?
Bring your shawl donation to the Parish Office and we will take care of display and distribution.