Christ has called each one of us into a life of stewardship. We are challenged to serve as disciples of Christ, caring for all that God has given us. Rooted in Scripture and our Catholic tradition, Stewardship is the response to our baptismal call to follow Jesus’ way of life. It is a reflection of our gratitude for all we have been given, a reflection of our spiritual life, a reflection of our faith in God.
Our parish community knows the joys of receiving and sharing the blessings we have been given. We are a warm and welcoming place, vibrant in faith. We embrace our responsibility as God’s stewards giving of our time, talent, and treasure knowing that our sacrifices are being used to deepen our own spiritual life and, in turn, the spiritual life of our parish.
Stewardship Letter
Every other month, our parish publishes a letter with a reflection on stewardship in some form, along with contribution slips and other information on parish happenings. Click either icon below to access our recent publications. If you would like to have us email you our letter, please fill out our simple sign-up form.
February 2025 Stewardship Mailing
December 2024 Stewardship Mailing
Time, Talent, and Treasure
Time - More fleeting than any talent and more precious than any treasure.
Time is a gift not to be taken for granted. Managing the time we have been given is perhaps the most important aspect of Stewardship. Time spent in reflection and prayer, in nurturing the relationships we have with family and friends, or even just enjoying the beauty of the world around us is time well spent.
Prayer is the cornerstone of Stewardship. It is how we demonstrate our faith in God. In prayer we give thanks to God for all we have and reflect on how to return to him a portion of the time, talent and treasure he has given us. Eucharistic Liturgies are wonderful occasions for prayer. Outside of the liturgy, there are many opportunities to deepen your faith and connect with our parish community, including the GIFT (Generations in Faith Together) program, our spiritual formation program for parishioners at all ages and stages of life.
It is our hope that you will find time each day for prayer and that you respond to the invitation to generously share your time with us in service to all of God’s people.
Talent - We are the hands of Christ.
The stewardship of talent calls us to search out our talents, nurture them, help them grow and then share them with others. We all have something to share, something that we are good at or that we especially like to do. Our parish family is not only in need of your talents, but we recognize the responsibility we have to help you nurture them and give you opportunities to use them.
If you haven’t already found your opportunity, please take some time to reflect on the Ministry Offerings and let us know if you would like to join a group or volunteer for a project. We invite every parishioner to participate in at least one parish ministry each year. Putting our faith into action is at the very heart of the beliefs we profess and celebrate. By bringing diverse talents to various projects, committees and ministries, every member of our parish community has the opportunity to serve and live out their Baptismal call.
Treasure - All is a gift for those who see life with the eyes of faith. (Bishop Robert Morneau)
We are called to express our gratitude for all of God’s gifts through a life of generosity. We share our money and all of our material possessions because they are meant to be shared and because we each have a need to give.
In our parish we ask new parish families to make a stewardship pledge. Our parish also asks families to renew their stewardship commitments annually. This is done so that we can make meaningful decisions concerning our ministries and plan the programs that will be carried out in the following year.
The amount each parish family gives will be different, because the resources of each family are different. Give in proportion to what you have been blessed with; but give sacrificially.
Time and Talent Giving Options (Volunteering and Ministering)
Click here to view our guide book for a listing of the committees and ministries available to join at OLOL!
Monetary Giving Options
Weekly/Monthly Stewardship Offertory Contribution
Stewardship Contribution slips are mailed to parishioners monthly. These slips can be used for weekly and monthly offertory donations, along with any Holy Day and special collections. The parish tracks these contributions and provides parishioners with an annual statement for tax purposes. Each slip provides various options to earmark donations and should be used to ensure accurate disbursement. One envelope is provided by the parish for monthly contributions. Cash donations that are not accompanied with a contribution slip cannot be tracked by the parish and will not be included in the year-end contribution statement. To insure tax deductibility for donations to our parish we recommended use of parish contribution slips.
ACH Electronic Bank Transfer
Many OLOL members provide their donations to OLOL via an electronic transfer. This can be done via an ACH transfer directly from the donor’s bank account. Click here to download the form to print out, fill out, sign, and return to the Parish Office.
Online Giving
Interested in making a donation online? Click the image below, then click on the GIVING tab.

Donating Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds
Making a gift of stocks, bonds, or mutual funds is a simple and effective way to support the ministries of OLOL, and can have significant tax advantages for the donor. For additional information on charitable gifts of stocks, bonds or mutual funds to Our Lady of Lourdes, contact:
Patricia Fabian, Director of Administrative Services at (414) 545-4316 ext 125
Planned Giving
Planned giving is often done in conjunction with estate planning and is a viable option for donors of all income levels. Examples of popular planned giving tools include charitable trusts and annuities, bequests by wills, beneficiary designations of retirement plans and life insurance policies and gifts of real estate or property. To request additional information on this process, please call the Parish Office or parish member Mike Steppe at (262) 827-9055.
The work of our parish requires your support – active, prayerful and financial. Each one of us is important to the life and ministries that thrive at our parish.
Living as faithful stewards of God’s gifts is the best gift we can offer. God will do the rest! We are all partners in this journey of faith! May we continue to be blessed by our most wonderful Lord!