Young Adult Ministry
So, who are the young adults in our midst?
They are those in their 20’s and 30’s; single, married, married with children, and college students. They are a very diverse group with many different needs. As with all ages, they need an active invitation and welcome into the many ministries and events that the parish offers. “Bring a friend and meet some new ones” is a great motto for young adult events. Young adults can be seen in all ministries within the parish. They are catechists, choir members, Eucharistic ministers, lectors, justice and service workers, small group participants, GIFT learners and involved in much of parish life. Young adults are welcome in all ministry within the parish. Please see the offerings and events that are planned intentionally for young adults. Join us and invite a friend!
Young adults invited to participate in the Discipleship Institute! The ministries within our faith community need you! Your community at large needs you! Check out the Discipleship Institute programs and events to become more involved in both.
Events Around the Archdiocese
Click Here to learn about Archdiocesan Young Adult Events and Groups.