“You too, dear young people, can be joyful witnesses of His love, courageous witnesses of His Gospel, carrying to this world a ray of His light.” Pope Francis
Youth Ministry at Our Lady of Lourdes offers young people the chance to encounter Christ in a profound way. Through GIFT classes, service opportunities, retreats, and involvement in the parish, they are being apprenticed and formed as disciples.

We believe our program is an apprenticeship in the fullness of our Catholic faith. Confirmation formation sessions take place during GIFT (Generations In Faith Together), our whole community catechesis program.

Intergenerational Youth Ministry
Bringing people of all ages together to grow in faith, community, and fun.

Youth Service Opportunities
Many opportunities to serve in the parish and larger community exist for youth. Teens are presented with a booklet that outlines all of the service. Parents are asked to join us for many of these opportunities.

Youth Retreats
We all lead busy lives. Retreats provide a time out from the busyness, a chance to focus on some aspect of our faith journey at various stages of our lives. Retreat dates and locations are listed for 6th-11th graders.